
Showing posts from March, 2012

oh the questions he asks...

Why do we give that lady at the bank all of our money? Do you think my hands will ever be as big as Grandpa's? Is that you singing on the radio Mommy?  Cuz it sounds just like you.  (oh the graciousness of a 4 year old!) How does Jesus get all the way inside of our heart?  Does God ever talk on the telephone? Did he already go to church? (after seeing a farmer working in his fields on a Sunday morning) How big do you have to be to drive a combine? How many quarters does it take to buy a big Case tractor? Daddy why do you have hairs inside your nose? Is going to the moon as far as going to Ohio? Just a few of my favorite questions straight from the mouth of my firstborn.  Simply meant to bring a smile to your face.  Spend just a few minutes with Jack and you will think that there is no end to the questions he asks.  It's amazing really.  But it's how he learns.  He asks.  He processes.  He files the info aw...

Mommy can I help????

Most every weekend we have a pizza night at the Willin house.  I love making homemade pizzas.  It's fun, it's fresh, and tastes really good :)  I have a system for making my pizzas.  I like my systems.  Systems that get things done in the most efficient and timely manner.  I have a system for cleaning my house, doing my laundry, buying my groceries, fixing my meals, running get the picture.  Having a system for the daily operations of my household helps me stay sane while managing the very active lives of my boys.  However, I've also learned the importance of breaking away from my systematic way of doing things in order to include my kiddos in some of the jobs that I do.  This brings me back to pizza night.  Ever since Jack's field trip to Pizza King, he has developed a strong desire to "help" me with everything in the kitchen....while wearing ...

the in-between

This morning during my devotional time I read a thought provoking and motivating concept that I think is well worth sharing.  The author talked about waiting on God.  We all have things we are waiting for.  Those answers to prayers that our humanness tells us God is no hurry to provide.  Changes in a job situation....salvation for a lost loved one....the future path of our family....healing in a sick body....longing for the time when a child will finally understand the importance of obeying his parents..... sometimes the list may seem endless.  What I read this morning is an encouragement in how to handle the waiting period.  It was so well worded I"ll just give it to you verbatim... "Having both patience and persistence is about maintaining the concentration to stay poised in a state between movement and stillness.  It requires a deep faith in God, along with the belief that He has the best in store for us and His timing is perf...

My baby is 2!

Two years ago today, God gave me one the most amazing blessings on the planet.  He gave me Chase Daniel.  The difficulties we had getting pregnant, staying pregnant, and everything involved in the entire process is one of the most challenging things I've faced in my adult life.  God has taken me on quite a journey and it wasn't until I could finally say, "ok God, I'm done trying to do this on my own terms, I'm done worrying, I'm done negotiating.  I'm Yours, and that's all that matters," that He surprised us with the fourth little member of our family.  He truly is a miracle and we are so grateful that he is ours.  Happy 2nd birthday Chase!  Mommy loves you very much.   We are so looking forward to celebrating with our whole family on Saturday!!! Jack's highlight of the week was his class field trip to Pizza King!  They have been learning about manners and working in the kitchen.  He and his classmates wer...