oh the questions he asks...

Why do we give that lady at the bank all of our money? Do you think my hands will ever be as big as Grandpa's? Is that you singing on the radio Mommy? Cuz it sounds just like you. (oh the graciousness of a 4 year old!) How does Jesus get all the way inside of our heart? Does God ever talk on the telephone? Did he already go to church? (after seeing a farmer working in his fields on a Sunday morning) How big do you have to be to drive a combine? How many quarters does it take to buy a big Case tractor? Daddy why do you have hairs inside your nose? Is going to the moon as far as going to Ohio? Just a few of my favorite questions straight from the mouth of my firstborn. Simply meant to bring a smile to your face. Spend just a few minutes with Jack and you will think that there is no end to the questions he asks. It's amazing really. But it's how he learns. He asks. He processes. He files the info aw...