
Showing posts from May, 2012

Spills & Wishes

My little Chase is in full swing with his talking.  It's such fun when they reach this stage.  Finally able to express what they are thinking....starting to form opinions of their own....and along with this comes attitudes that need to be corrected and behaviors that need to be disciplined....but also moments that are just so incredibly cute....and hilarious.  Chase loves to empty my spice racks.  I think I've posted a picture of this before.  But just in case, here he is. It's one of those things I really don't mind.  Nothing can break and it keeps him busy while I'm preparing meals in the kitchen.  Earlier this week I was fixing dinner and Chase was busy with the spices.  Chase, and bunny.  Bunny is Chase's favorite little friend.  A gift from Mimi when he was born, this bunny goes everywhere with Chase.  Here he is with bunny :)  So back to the kitchen....I'm busy preparing ...

Mother's Day!

Isn't it funny how much more amazing your mom becomes after you yourself become a mom? :)  All those things she did for me.....all those things that I completely took for granted while I was growing up.  Things like doing loads and loads of laundry so that magically everyone always had drawers and closets full of clean clothes....things like getting me to and from practices, lessons, or whatever activity I happened to involved in at the time....keeping our home cozy and clean....taking care of me when I was sick...packing my lunch for school....attending most every game, recital, concert, competition....preparing countless meals... It's not until these responsibilities have become my own that I think wow....I didn't tell her nearly enough how much I appreciated all those things.  She and my dad blessed me with a priceless childhood.  One where there was never a shortage of love and laughter.  Where God was at the center of all that was s...

Peter, James, and John

Bath time at our house is also usually song time for the boys.  One of their favorites is a song about Peter, James, and John....their little sail boat....their frustrations with not catching any fish....Jesus walking on the water and instructing them to cast their nets on the other side.....and then of course, "the little boat was filled with fishes".  :)  I love teaching the boys songs like this...songs that my momma taught me when I was little.  This particular song we have sung many, MANY, times since Jack was a baby.  They love the motions and know all the words and like to sing it over and over again.  Last night we were singing it the second time through when Jack stopped singing and just sat still in the tub with suds covering his face :)  "What's wrong buddy?, I asked.  "Well I'm just wondering how Jesus could walk on the water.  Wouldn't he sink?  I don't think I could walk on the water...."  And there it wa...

whispered prayers

There are times when the sacrifices we must make as parents can be a bit frustrating.  It's so important for me to remember, as I have written before, that life is a conglomeration of phases.  And the phase I am currently in requires me to give up some things that I would otherwise have a desire to do.  For example....attend the ladies retreat this past weekend, take a Zumba class at the gym, go to the bathroom alone :), get my hair cut on a regular basis, take a nice long walk outside, volunteer with local charities, spend more time in prayer, be more involved in church ministries.  Things of that nature.  Some things seem petty and some things seem quite legitimately honorable.  But what about being a mommy to my boys while they are in these young years.  Is there a more honorable calling?  I'm speaking to myself with this rhetorical question. :)  I am able to write entries for this blog only in the early hours of the mo...