Spills & Wishes

My little Chase is in full swing with his talking. It's such fun when they reach this stage. Finally able to express what they are thinking....starting to form opinions of their own....and along with this comes attitudes that need to be corrected and behaviors that need to be disciplined....but also moments that are just so incredibly cute....and hilarious. Chase loves to empty my spice racks. I think I've posted a picture of this before. But just in case, here he is. It's one of those things I really don't mind. Nothing can break and it keeps him busy while I'm preparing meals in the kitchen. Earlier this week I was fixing dinner and Chase was busy with the spices. Chase, and bunny. Bunny is Chase's favorite little friend. A gift from Mimi when he was born, this bunny goes everywhere with Chase. Here he is with bunny :) So back to the kitchen....I'm busy preparing ...