when you are 2....

When you are 2 your mommy gets the biggest kick out of hearing you talk.....when you are 2 you are just figuring out how to put words into sentences.....when you are 2 it gets so frustrating when you are so clearly trying to make a point and mommy just can't seem to get it.....when you are 2 you are still trying to figure out what all these words mean and how to tell the difference between the ones that sound the same. Take yesterday for instance. On the way home from dropping Jack off at school, Chase tells me, "I want alligator when we home." An alligator? yep, that's what he said. First of all, I had never heard him say alligator before and second of all, I could not figure out why he now thought he wanted one. The entire drive home he kept saying it....and even turned it into a song. I brushed it off and felt content to let his little imagination run wild. We get home, pull into the garage, he hops out of his seat, goes directly to the...