For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And He shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ~Isaiah 9:6~ of the most beautiful passages of scripture and my favorite to reflect on during the Christmas season. What an amazing promise of God....that He would send his the form of an innocent save the world. I strive to keep that at the forefront of all that I do this month. As I'm buying, baking, packaging, singing....I remind myself that these are acts of love....acts of love done to demonstrate and model the love that God poured out to us when He gave the world His son. best. gift. ever. :) Wishing you a very blessed Christmas season.
Showing posts from December, 2012
The recap

Yes! here it is. a lull in the action. i'm so grateful for the thick fog outside my window that is tricking my boys into thinking it's still somewhat dark outside. :) that, combined with their late night of Christmas tree decorating is hopefully going to gain me an extra hour of quiet this morning. some time to recap our Thanksgiving trip. We started out a bit in our 9 hour trip somehow turned into 11, Jack got carsick, and within an hour of arriving at my brothers house the boys had broken 2 glasses, both had injuries that drew blood, and a collision that caused a goose egg on my baby's noggin. But things turned around quickly. Like on Wednesday morning we slept in until 8:00. That my friends, is three hours later than usual. awesome. And we had great weather for the first few days, giving the boys all the outside time they wanted. Uncle Josh and Aunt Meredith have a wooded back yard with lots of sti...