
Showing posts from August, 2013

9 years!

Today I want to say "Happy Anniversary!"  to my very best partner.... There is no other person I would rather be sharing life with.  You are so many things to me but most importantly a wonderful husband to me and daddy to our boys.  And you also should receive a reward.....a medal of the highest honor.....for helping me through this not so pretty pregnancy :)  The leg massages....the many carry out dinners.....the reassuring words like no, my stomach is not going to explode no matter how large I might think that I am :)  Things like that.  I cannot wait to meet this next little member of our family with you standing beside me.  Words cannot express the joy that you and our boys bring to my days.  I am overwhelmed by the blessings God has given me and all of those blessings find you at the center.  Happy Anniversary sweetheart.  I love you with all my heart!

Summer wrap up

Here we are....well into August.  Not sure where the summer has gone.  Since the last post, our days have been filled with 2 more weeks of swim lessons, 2 extended weekend vacations with family, a wonderful week of Vacation Bible School, a few trips to the beach, and prep for Kindergarten ....which started today....which I am still coming to terms with......and yes, I will be that mom standing at the end of the driveway, waving my arms, when he gets off the bus at 4 o'clock this afternoon.  :)  I know he will quickly recover from any embarrassment I may cause.  It's such a strange feeling.  Usually at this time of the day he and I are doing some sort of activity together while little brother takes a nap.  Now, here I am with some time to blog...and for that I am grateful...but it's just weird.  I need a few days to adjust to the whole idea of how he can possibly manage his day without momma by his side.  But deep down, past the emotion of it ...