the home stretch

Just to give you an idea of how ready I have been for a reprieve from the heat.......when I opened the door this morning to feel the cool air temperature in the low 60s, I burst out singing the Doxology....praising God for the blessing of no humidity and temps not in the 90s!!! Yes it's that final month of pregnancy. The month where at times I seem to lose my sense of rationality..... when I convince myself that this child is never coming out.....that I will just be this size forever....that I never will be able to paint my own toe nails again....and you see the downward spiral :) God bless my hubby. Needless to say, I have my eyes focused on October 22nd. The date when, if he has not made an appearance by then, we will get to meet the final piece to our family puzzle. Thankfully, just a few minutes spent thinking about the miracle of this little life inside of me.... the indescribable moment of seeing his face for the first time, the incredible blessing of...