
Showing posts from January, 2014

snowy days

Well, my hope that the worst of winter was behind us is not coming true.  Two snow days last week, another one today....come on spring.....I really need you to arrive :)  On a positive note, Jack loves this.  To him, snow means there is work that needs to be done.  And where there is work, there you will find a happy boy. Driveways to clear, sidewalks to shovel, railings to brush off.  Yes, I do realize the oddity of this for a 6 year old but I'm learning to go with it.  I've tried to get him to just play in it.....roll around, build a snowman, make a fort....nope, gotta get the work done :)  That's just how he operates.  I love him dearly. Chase on the other hand, has inherited my disdain for the cold and snow.  He can handle it for a little while, but would much rather be inside where it's nice and warm.  He and I have been bonding over board games...Sorry, Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, Memory, and Connect Four are some of his f... just have to laugh

A few nights ago as we were finishing up dinner, Jack was provoking Chase as he usually does and I overheard a conversation that went something like this... Chad:  You know how nice you are to Luke? kindly you treat him? Jack:  Yes. Chad:  Do you think you could treat Chase like that too?  Can you please start doing that for me? Jack:  Yes I can. (brief thoughtful pause) Jack:  Maybe I'll start that tomorrow. And that is the moment where I couldn't help but laugh.  Brotherly love is an ongoing mystery to me!


This morning at breakfast Jack told me he led the announcements at school yesterday morning..... which includes the Pledge of Allegiance and the Superstar Pledge.  So proud to think of my little man's voice coming across the PA system all confident and brave.  If you're wondering what the Superstar Pledge is....take a listen... And to bring another smile to your face...a little brother love :)

a few hopes.....of a mommy of 3 little boys

I hope Chase will never get tired of playing the giggle game...(which is basically where we just sit and giggle with each other) I hope Luke will very quickly learn how to sleep through the night I hope Jack will one day discover that he appreciates his first little brother as much as his second I hope Chase will one day willingly eat a vegetable I hope Jack will never stop loving school I hope Luke soon understands how much his big brothers love him I hope that Jack and Chase will one day find a way to bond that doesn't involve tackling I hope that Jack changes his mind about the size of the garden he is planning to have this spring I hope that Chase will always love board games as much as he does now I hope Luke keeps his beautiful blue eyes I hope Chase remembers the difference between football and soccer when he joins a soccer team next fall I hope that the boys will forgive me if their baby books never get completed (Who can actually keep up with t...

a new year

So much to share....never enough time.  It's hard to believe 2014 is here and we are already 7 days into it.  It was a wonderful holiday season spent with friends and family.  We have so much to be grateful for. As the boys get older, Christmas just gets more and more special.  They have begun to remember and anticipate our traditions..... the candlelight Christmas Eve service, the Christmas story, milk and cookies on the hearth, Christmas morning breakfast, spending the day after at Grandpa and Grandma's house.  I love the memories we are making.  It always goes by so quickly, yet I find myself ready to begin this new year and get back into our schedules.  The boys are back to school this week and with the new year also comes resuming some of the responsibilities I had let go while being pregnant and having Luke.  So my prayer as this year begins is to seek balance.  Balance between my responsibilities inside and outside the home, balance...