One night this past week after Jack finished his homework he had an idea that he should be Chase's teacher....that with a little help, Chase would be able to read sight words just like him. Despite my best efforts to explain that Chase is only 3 and he doesn't know how to read yet, he was determined. Poor Chase, what a good sport he was as Jack would point a to a word and then say, "Ok, read this word Chase. Just sound it out, I know you can do it." Chase would guess some random word and Jack would try so hard not to get frustrated and patiently explain that it was not even close. It was quite amusing to witness. I love when I get to watch Chase interact with his preschool friends. He had his Valentines Day party a little late since bad weather cancelled the original date. I was so proud as he politely said thank you to each of his friends when they put a Valentine in his bag. So sweet! Speaking of sweet......Chase is just t...