Oh spring......I cannot express how happy I will be when you come to stay. Enough snow days.....enough getting bundled up.....enough spending far too much time inside. I know it's close. It will be so wonderful. But here are two little guys who were still excited for more snow.... The exciting discovery of last week's snow day was that if you fill the slide with a whole bunch of snow and slide down continuously, it eventually turns into ice...which eventually makes the slide incredibly fast. Very, very exciting :) They were quite proud of their discovery. You know what you don't get to do when you're 32? You don't get to celebrate your birthday 4 times.....once at Disney World, once at home, once at school, and then once again last weekend when your Grandpa and Grandma come, with another cake :) But if you are 4, you can definitely pull it off. And there is no one who loves to party more than my 4 year old so...