
Showing posts from 2015


well I think the last time I've experienced 70 degree weather on a December day was back when I was living in Florida....prior to marriage....prior to residing in Delaware ...prior to having other words.....a very long time ago.  Yet, here we are in the midst of an unusually warm Christmas season.  Stranger things have happened I suppose, but it sure feels odd to see the bell ringer at Walmart in shorts and flip flops.  I'm not complaining.  The longer the cold is delayed the happier I am :) This month is flying by and we have been enjoying our annual Christmas festivities.  The baking, the decorating, the parade, the Christmas songs, the tree.  Oh the tree.  Let me just tell you about this year's tree. It's artificial.  and I love it.  and here's why....there was no nagging my hubby to go to town to buy a tree....there was no debating about which tree was the right shape, the right deciding fir or getting it home only to


I am a firm believer that gratitude is the key to contentment.....and that contentment is one the main keys to joy.  I am overwhelmed by the blessings in my life.  That doesn't mean things are perfect, easy, or always simply means I am thankful.  Thankful for the life God has blessed me with....thankful that he gives me the strength to hold tight to Him through the valley's and across the bumps.  Thankful that at the end of each day I have everything I could possibly ask for.....the grace of a loving God, the faithful love and support of a godly husband, three beautiful healthy children, and an extended family who loves the Lord and my family unconditionally.  That is what I'm thankful for.  That is what brings contentment to my life.  That is what brings me joy. Chase was so proud of his "thankful leaf" he made for Awana.........Jesus, Mommy, toys, Daddy, and that order.  so sweet :) Unfortunately I think this is what Luke wants

big day

Last night I received some pretty big news in an email from the PR department at Willin Farms.  aka my father-in-law........ :) Good evening family and friends I want to share with you a significant event that occurred today at Willin Farms. Please see the news release below. <<NEWS ALERT>> ....FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.... Willin Farms, LLC. announced late this afternoon that Mr. Jack Willin has joined the company as an Equipment Operator, Class 1. A spokesman for the firm confirmed that Jack has joined the company and has started his field training as an Equipment Operator. Other company sources indicated that he (Jack) is being groomed to replace his grandfather who is soon to be replaced. Jack's grandfather, R.C. Willin has been with the family owned operation for over 40 years. ....see video clip below.... This news story may be reproduced and/or forwarded if the article is not altered in anyway and is done so in its entirety.  Hahaha!  so gre

Birthday wishes

Wishing my hubby a very happy 35th birthday today!  The leader of our very best friend....and wonderful father to our 3 children.  There is no one else I would want to be living this adventure with.  Happy Birthday my love!

weekend recap

a busy and fun weekend brought us the end of soccer season, trick or treating fun, a wonderful church service on the first day of a new month, and a great time spent together with friends.  Feeling blessed by all the joy filled moments in my life and looking forward to this month of celebrating the Thanksgiving season. Great job boys on a great soccer season!   making memories with friends! I love watching Chase learn.  He is starting to read and write on his own and there is nothing better than to watch him concentrate so hard.....and for this to be the end result.  love him :)  Happy November!!  My countdown is on.  23 days until we finally get back to Ohio!   yep, I'm excited 
My fingers are crossed that my kids stay in bed long enough for me to give you a quick update... We celebrated our two birthday boys a few weeks ago.  My oldest and youngest.  Now 8 and 2.    They are two peas in a pod, regardless of the six year age gap.  I am so thankful for our wonderful family and friends who helped us celebrate.  What a fun party it was! Luke was slightly unsure about those candles, but as you can imagine he had plenty of help to figure it out. The older boys are loving being involved in Awana this year.  We have such a wonderful team of leaders and volunteers and it really is amazing to see the impact it's having on their young lives.  I love helping them learn their verses....helping them understand not only what the words say but what the words mean. These two also just wrapped up their first quarter at school, and as of today begin a two week fall break.  Woohoo!!....i think :)  So proud of their accomplishments so far.  They

September recap

Happy October!  The month where two of my babies will turn yet another year older.  The month that is looking to be just as busy as the last....but with so many fun things in store.  I enjoy the fast paced schedule for a time...but by the time November rolls around I'm ready for the slow down that always finds us.  But for now, it's full speed ahead We are so grateful that all of our corn is harvested....especially as we hear talk of a possible hurricane this weekend.  God provided a few weeks of great weather and a good harvest season.  Jack is always a little sad to see the season end.  He understands the importance of finishing the job...but he just loves the whole process so much.  He waits all year for it and then it's gone in a few weeks.  He just loves being a part of Willin Farms. And to think that there may be someone else who loves the farm and tractors as much as Jack!  Luke cannot get enough of it.  Such a sweet bond between these two guys.  Jack is a hu

these are the days

These are the days of scratching my head wondering how the time goes by so fast....these are the days when falling into bed at night feels so good it almost brings me to tears....these are the days of watching lots and lots of soccer practices....and many fun games.....these are the days when my heart swells with pride to see the wonderful little athletes my boys are becoming.....these are the days of wishing my family lived closer....these are the days of beautiful sunsets.....these are the days of watching Chase suit up in his football uniform to watch Ohio State football...these are the days of raising an almost two year old....a very ornery, outgoing, get into everything almost two year old....who loves tractors more than anything else in the world....these are the days of potty training....and remembering why I loathed the task two times prior.....any volunteers to complete this task for me? any takers???? none???  I rest my case.  moving on......these are the days of

Enough with the hummingbirds already!

Friday night...for the fifth time this summer...a hummingbird was once again stuck in our garage. And as most of you know....I am not a bird person.  As in....I don't like them.  Especially when they are in enclosed spaces flying around my head.  However, if there was ever an would be the hummingbird.  They are amazing little creatures.  And I think it's because they opposed to flap....that I'm a little less freaked out by them.  Anyway.  Friday night.  There I found myself for yet another time chasing the little bird around the garage trying to shimmy it out with a broom.  all while my children are yelling, "don't hurt him mommy!....don't scare him mommy!...."  oh goodness.  as much as I'm not a fan, that's as much as the boys are.  They love the little hummingbirds.  And it's as if the world is ending when they see one stuck in the garage.   So we drop everything we are doing to make the rescue.  After about 30 minut


It's that time of year again.... And there's no containing his excitement.   Even Luke is getting in on the action with some tractor rides when we take  Daddy lunch.... Chase is excited too....but the highlight of his week was earning the VIP table ticket in the cafeteria.  So proud of his good behavior at school. Happy harvest season! 

the best gift...

I love this acronym for helping us pray very specifically for our children as they are immersed in their world of school.  As a Christian parent with kids in public school, prayer and a daily reminding of myself to trust God completely, are the two things that make it possible for me to release my boys from my hugs to get on the bus in the morning. :)  A sweet friend encourages me constantly with "pray for your kids.  It's the best gift you can give them".  So today I am passing that same encouragement on to you.  Thank you Lord, for the wonderful blessing of my children. and a universal truth....toddlers love selfies.  It's a guaranteed way to get them out of a fussy mood or distract them from things they should not be doing.....and it results in some pretty cute shots to fill up space on my phone :) Happy Monday!

squeezing it in!

Even though we are back into the swing of school we are still squeezing in some summer fun on the weekends.  As most of you know, I have a love for camping.  Many good memories from my childhood revolve around a campground.  Family, friends, campfires, bike riding, smores, and the great outdoors.  What is not to love?  So you can imagine my excitement when I finally got my hubby on board for his very first camping trip.  A weekend trip with a bunch of good friends from church.  And thank goodness...all went well.  So much so, that I have great hopes that it will happen again!  Of course Jack and Chase were in their glory and loved every moment.  So thankful for a wonderful church body that we can share our lives with!   And Luke has found a new love.  Bike riding!!  Since it's just the two of us in the afternoons, we have been enjoying some quality time on the bike.  I love that he enjoys it.  Exercise and a happy boy all at once.  yes!!   We attempted a beach day a l