High calling
The older my boys get the more I understand what a high calling it is.....this journey of parenthood. God gives us these wonderful little gifts.....He entrusts them in our care.....and asks that we teach them and lead them in His ways. My first and foremost prayer, every single day, is that they would love Jesus. I thank Him for the ways they already do.......and pray for the ways I hope they one day will. Several nights ago after our Bible story we got on the topic of heaven. For 7 and 5 years old, they have a pretty good understanding that this body we live in now will one day remain on earth and, those who live for Jesus, will receive a brand new body when we die. But this is when it gets tricky. "But mommy, what will our new body look like?....will we still live together?.....what will God look like?.....will we have a dog?....will I still look like me?....how long is forever?" Whoa! It was so sweet to see their reactions when, a...