
Showing posts from April, 2015


I'm so proud of Chase and the wonderful little patient he has been.  Last Friday he had tubes put in his ears and his adenoids removed.  The hardest part of the whole thing was coming out of the anesthesia.  But that's hard for adults, let alone a 5 year old.  He was finally able to get back to school today and his diet and activity level will be back to normal in the next few days.  He is quite a trooper and makes his mommy so proud :) The night before his surgery he got a special gift from some super sweet friends.  A shiny new football was definitely the ticket to getting his mind off of things :) waiting patiently sometimes you just need a hug from mommy....or sometimes mommy just needs to hug was a toss up in this moment First day back to school after 2 weeks of spring you think he was excited? And if you need something to make you smile.....check out my little's one of his favori...
I know spring is upon us.....the yellow dust of pollen is covering my back porch, the smells of the farm are in the air, my pansies are trying to bloom after having their growth stunted by that ridiculously cold winter (have I mentioned I'm glad that's behind us?!), the grass is getting ready for it's first cutting, and baseball season is here!  and no one could be more happy than this guy.... ready for practice.  I will say I took for granted the beauty of having both boys on the same team last year.  right now I'm feeling like we should just set up camp at the ballpark.  But I love to see them play and learn and find joy in the wonderful game of baseball. Luke decided to help me in the kitchen with Easter lunch.   not sure about the fly swatter, but I'm pretty sure it's never been used :) my handsome boys on Easter morning ready to hunt for Easter eggs Luke and one of his favorite little buddies.   my two little music lov...

on his way

This week we registered Chase for kindergarten.  Why is this such a big deal?!  I've been through this before....I know that the big bad world of school isn't so big and's actually oldest is thriving and loves every minute....I was expecting to handle things much better this time around.  Nope, not the case.  My heart still feels like it's going to jump out of my chest when I think about sending not just one, but two of my babies to school in the fall.  It's such a battle of extremes.  I am extremely happy and thrilled to be at this proud of Chase....and I know he will love school and will do great....I want him to go.  But I don't!  it's the letting go.  I know that.  The thought of it happening is far more difficult than the actual happening. :)   Oh gracious.  The roller coaster that is mommy hood.  So here is he....on the road to kindergarten...with all the papers he needs to make it o...