summer wrap up
And they are off...with not a hesitation in the world...ready for 5th and 3rd grade and leaving mom feeling weepy. At some point, the start of school has gone from a rescue from the constant care of meeting each child's every an achiness in my heart that they are going to be away from me for so many hours of the day. Obviously I'm all for learning and education and of course I love that my kids love going to school, but the older they get the more I just truly love hanging with them....doing chores with them...playing with them...being. with. them. They really are three of the coolest kids ever....said mom, with no bias at all. :) sure they fight, they argue, they give me occasional attitude. but they are my imperfect works-in-progress and I am theirs. All to say....I miss them already. But I still have this guy for another week, until half days of Pre-K start next week. And now more than ever, I am certain that the...