
Showing posts from March, 2019

conversations with Luke....

Luke and I were driving home from school yesterday and he heard a song in the background on the radio (Crowder's, My Victory). Which led to.... Luke:  Jesus did die for our sins Mom. Me:  He sure did buddy. Luke:  He died on the cross.  Because God told him to. God is his dad.  (except all of his G's come out like D's, so it actually sounds like Dod. :) )  Me:  That's right buddy. Luke:  I'm glad we get to go to heaven.  Can I bring my toy's to heaven? Me:  We can't take anything with us to heaven bud. Luke:  Well I bet Dod can just make my toys, because he can do anything.  He made the whole world you know.  Me:  That's true. Luke:  When I get to heaven I hope I can sleep right in between Dod and Jesus.  Then I'll always be safe. Me:  (melting inside) that would be the best buddy. Oh to have the pure and untainted perspective of a 5 year old.  Right in between God and Jesus....

almost there

I can see the light.  The light of spring is in the distance.  This, my friends, makes my heart so happy.  The changing of seasons is a beautiful thing.  The start of each one is always welcomed with anticipation and a readiness to begin a new phase.  The downsides of spring.....the pollen, the resurfacing of the lawn mower, the ever changing weather, the extreme busyness on the farm....cannot take away from the windows (that desperately need a spring clean!), warmer temperatures, blooming trees, green grass, baseball, baseball and more baseball, longer daylight hours, and much more time spent outside.  This season change is the one that make me most happy.  Another winter in the rear view and one more week until we officially enter spring.  oh yes. Here's what's been happening... getting ready for O's season with a fun day at fanfest #12 Wrapped up a great season with his team pinewood derby prep with AWANA...