conversations with Luke....
Luke and I were driving home from school yesterday and he heard a song in the background on the radio (Crowder's, My Victory). Which led to.... Luke: Jesus did die for our sins Mom. Me: He sure did buddy. Luke: He died on the cross. Because God told him to. God is his dad. (except all of his G's come out like D's, so it actually sounds like Dod. :) ) Me: That's right buddy. Luke: I'm glad we get to go to heaven. Can I bring my toy's to heaven? Me: We can't take anything with us to heaven bud. Luke: Well I bet Dod can just make my toys, because he can do anything. He made the whole world you know. Me: That's true. Luke: When I get to heaven I hope I can sleep right in between Dod and Jesus. Then I'll always be safe. Me: (melting inside) that would be the best buddy. Oh to have the pure and untainted perspective of a 5 year old. Right in between God and Jesus....