
Showing posts from 2022


It's Thanksgiving Day.   My most favorite holiday.  I believe with all my heart that when we practice gratitude....when we feel it deeply and sincerely...for everything God has given us...the good, the bad, the times when we feel like everything is falling apart and the times when we feel ecstatic about the good things that are  happening...when at the end of the day we feel a deep and sincere brings a peace that has no explanation other than the goodness of our God.  There are times in life that need to be documented....written down in order to process and grasp the reality of a situation.  I actually have this handwritten from several months ago, but wanted to put it up on the blog to give it a bit of permanence to come back to.  Obviously, it's been a minute since my last post.  I wrapped up last year's school year in a whirlwind with lots of volunteer hours as 8th grade class coordinator and a sweet conclusion to my oldest's mi...