Just for a smile....
My nineteen month old is in that great stage of learning new words everyday. So. Much. Fun. He tries to repeat everything. He rattles off entire sentences in his own jabber and then looks at you with his big blue eyes like there is no reason that you should not have understood exactly what he just said. Right now one of my favorite things is his constant need to celebrate and be acknowledged for pretty much everything he does. Finishing a meal, turning a page a book, taking off his diaper (yikes.), stacking blocks, taking all of my dishes out the dishwasher. Things of that nature. After accomplishing any of these very exciting tasks he raises both arms in the air, usually high enough so that his little belly button is peeking out, and exclaims, "Ta Da!!!!". And regardless of how many times a day I've been hearing this lately it has not gotten old. Not even once. Happy Saturday!
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