
Showing posts from January, 2012

the latest from Old Carriage Road....

Here's what's been going on around here this week.... Daddy made Jack's day on Saturday by giving him this amazingly long strap that made his eyes light up like it was Christmas morning.  Oh the possibilities of things he could now wrap up, tie up, lasso, etc ..... all of which I am hoping do not include his little brother.  What we have come up with so far is what you see below.  The wagon is attached to the gator using the amazing strap.  The wagon either serves as Jack's trailer, for when he "is hauling things around his farm" ...... or as a disc, for when he "is working up his fields".  :)  It is absolutely priceless to see him bouncing around on our not so smooth yard with his wagon in tow! Chase is thrilled because I pulled out the old Little Tikes slide that we had for Jack a few years back.  I kind of forgot we had it and probably should have done this much sooner.  Even so, Chase is loving it now.  It also made me r...

Warmed my heart...

Since the new year I have been  doing a children's bedtime devotional with Jack.  It focuses on Jesus as our Shepherd and all of the attributes that entails.  These last few weeks we have been focusing on how Jesus can always hear us when we pray.  The other day Jack was sitting on the kitchen floor just talking away and I overheard that he was explaining what a kiwi looked like and how much he loves to eat them.  He saw I was listening and said, "I'm just talkin to Jesus .... because he can always hear me, right?"  Love these moments.  :)    Happy Monday!

For the little things....

Aren't you so thankful for the little things in life that bring us happiness?  Of course I am ever grateful for the big things....God's saving grace, my hubby and kiddos, precious family...those sorts of things.  But really it's those little things that get me through the days that may otherwise seem mundane.  Things that bring true happiness and joy at that very moment.  Here's a glimpse at some of the little things that fill me with happiness... a nice warm pair of cozy socks having a cake slip perfectly out of the pan without sticking cinnamon rolls coffee from my keurig eating a cinnamon roll while drinking coffee from my keurig a big hug hearing my baby learn a new word sparkling clean windows looking at old photos crystal blue skies birthday cakes a good book fresh flowers a good workout snuggling on the sofa next to a crackling fire snuggling on the sofa next to my hubby.....and a crackling fire :) the beach hearing my 4 year ...


Isn't it wonderful to belong?  Whether it's to your spouse, your kids, your church, your work, your social circles. We as humans really do have a need to belong.  Unfortunately today that need is being met by many of the wrong things.  So many empty people are searching for things to fill the void that only Jesus can supply.  As we discussed this with our Life Group over the weekend I realized that I am at a place in my life where I really do feel a sense of belonging.  And there certainly have been times when I have not.....that freshman year of move to Florida after graduating from college....those early days of marriage when I was finding my place in a new town, new church, and new family.....those first few months of motherhood.  I'm realizing that God used those uncomfortable times to stretch me and show me His desire.....that I would find contentment and joy in the place he was creating just for me.  I'm not so naive ...

rounding third and headed home...

 And home means health and wellness....hopefully :).  My Chase has been battling a nasty case of croup.  I knew we were in for the long haul when I had to send Chad and Jack off to a New Years Eve party while I stayed home with the little guy to try to manage a fever and cough.  Sleepless nights found me and Chase....and even daddy.....on Saturday, Sunday, Monday....seriously?????....Tuesday....and then some reprieve.  We made it through Wednesday night with only a few coughing spells and no fever!!  Thank you Lord.  Thursday night was about the same and then last last a full night of sleep!!!!  No wheezing, coughing or crying.....just sleep.  And what a lovely thing it was.  It's so heartbreaking when little ones are sick.  I'm so ready to have him back to normal.   We are definitely on our way.  We have gone from this.......

oh those kiddos....

Isn't it funny how different men and women are, especially when it comes to parenting.  What we we interact....our levels of tolerance.  Here's a snippet of a conversation that occurred over the holidays after laying the boys down for their afternoon naps.... Hubby - "ahhhhh.....wouldn't it be nice if they just stayed sleeping until tomorrow morning?...." Me - "Why would you say that!?  They are looking forward to our evening together.  I love spending time with them.  Sometimes it seems like you wish that we didn't have kids." Hubby - "Oh no, I don't ever wish we didn't have them. I just sometimes wish that they lived somewhere else!" Me - "Oh my." Hahaha!  And now let me just say that my boys have a wonderful, amazing daddy who loves them more than words can describe.  It was just one of those moments that indeed every parent is bound to feel at one point or another, no matter how much you l...