
Isn't it wonderful to belong?  Whether it's to your spouse, your kids, your church, your work, your social circles. We as humans really do have a need to belong.  Unfortunately today that need is being met by many of the wrong things.  So many empty people are searching for things to fill the void that only Jesus can supply.  As we discussed this with our Life Group over the weekend I realized that I am at a place in my life where I really do feel a sense of belonging.  And there certainly have been times when I have not.....that freshman year of move to Florida after graduating from college....those early days of marriage when I was finding my place in a new town, new church, and new family.....those first few months of motherhood.  I'm realizing that God used those uncomfortable times to stretch me and show me His desire.....that I would find contentment and joy in the place he was creating just for me.  I'm not so naive as to think that this sense of belonging is without waivers.  As the kids grow and mommy grows and the phases of life shift.....I'm sure this sense of belonging that I feel today will change and be defined differently.  But for today I love where I belong.  I belong in this beautiful home that the Lord has blessed us with....I belong with two little boys who need to see Jesus by watching the way I live my life.....I belong sorting through the piles of laundry, cooking three meals a day, playing hide and seek, and cleaning up the smeared Popsicle off the kitchen floor:)....I belong to a wonderful church family, a place where I can use my gifts to glorify God....I belong to my husband, a man whom I am honored to call mine....and most importantly I belong to the God of the universe.....little ol' me, loved and held in the palm of the hand of the creator of everything.  Amazing. 

O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and rising up. You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down. And you are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, you know it altogether.
~Psalm 139: 1-4

Here are a few glimpses from the last few days....

Popcorn on Sunday with daddy...

So handsome....

my boys...

hide and seek!  Jack's favorite hiding spot :) 
