I love how my boys love to dig in dirt...how they love to play with sticks and rocks and dump trucks...and how they assume everyone loves doing that as much as they do....how they love to run through mud puddles...love to wear hats...and how they love to find caterpillars, name them Willy and make a nice home for them in a ventilated jar. What I do not love is explaining to them what happens when you leave Willy's jar sitting in the sun in 90 degree heat. Poor Willy. We enjoyed the short time we had with you. That's Willy....on the piece of wood. and this is Willy's jar, which I had to discreetly dispose of when Willy melted in the sun. In happier news :).....the boys and I, along with Grandma, had a wonderful trip to Strasburg, PA on Saturday to see the one and only Thomas the Tank Engine! Chase in particular, is so into Thomas right now and the look on his face when he first saw Thomas was priceless. The Lord gave us a beautiful day to enjoy train rid...