
Hello summer.  I certainly am enjoying you.  The sunshine, the warmth, the wonderfulness of cooking on the grill, the chill of running through the sprinkler with the boys :), the playdates with friends, and most recently the wonderful time we shared as a family celebrating the greatest daddy in the hubby! We ventured off the Eastern Shore on Sunday (it does happen occasionally :) ), and took ourselves to Baltimore's Inner Harbor and Fort McHenry ......  along with thousands and thousands of others.We got there early to scout out our killer seats for an airshow given by the Navy's Blue Angels.  Wow.  It was amazing.  Although I'm not sure which was more entertaining....watching the show or watching it completely blow the minds of a 4 and 2 year old.  Jack of course was initially quite concerned and worried.  It takes him a little time to embrace anything new and different :) ....."i don't know about this Mommy", "it's too loud I think we should go home", "that plane looks like a crop duster"......after each maneuver he would want to know where the planes went, when were they coming back and if it was going to be loud again.  But eventually, once he mastered the art of plugging his ears while still sitting on top of daddy's shoulders, he was able to say that he enjoyed the airshow.....but most likely not as much as he enjoyed the two snow cones he had :)  And my dear Chase.  All he could keep saying was, "loud mommy!", "huge airplanes!", and "where airplanes go?".  He loved it!  It's such fun to watch them experience something so new and fascinating.  Daddy enjoyed it as well which was the point of the day.  A day to say thank you for all that he does for us.  For the way that he cares for us and provides for us.  We love you sweetheart, more than words can say. 

These videos don't really do it justice, but it gives you a glimpse anyway...
