
Showing posts from July, 2012


There are few things that fill my heart with more joy than seeing my children happy.  The kind of little boy happy where they can't help but smile and giggle.  For Chase, this kind of happy comes alot easier than it does for Jack.  Chase loves to throw his hands up, head back, and have a good chuckle.  But Jack is my serious one.  So cautious and thoughtful and sometimes hesitant to act......well, to act like a 4 year old :)  However, there is one place where he cannot help himself.  Where the excitement is nearly too much for him to handle.  And that place is the Delaware State Fair.  He has been waiting for the fair to begin again since it ended last year.  But it's not the thrill of the rides, the fun of the games, or the delicious food.  It's the farm equipment.  An entire area full of equipment on display where he is free to climb up the ladders...pull on the levers....turn the steering wheels.... and pretend.  A...

Summer's joys...

This is one of my absolute favorite things about summer.... I love our weekly visits to the produce stand and Farmer's Market to stock up on all things fresh.  It's great for cooking and even better for eating.  Simple, fresh, and some very quick prep time.  Who is not a fan of that?  I am convinced that my boys would survive off of watermelon if I allowed it.    As I've written before, I believe one of the greatest blessings of the Christian life is the community of God's body of believers.  Several times a month we have the wonderful privilege of gathering in our home with our Life Group ... a group of six other couples .... we learn, share, and grow together.  The friendships that have developed as a result are priceless.  We've taken the summer to do some fun events and this past weekend was just one of the many good times we've shared.  We joined together with another Life Group for our own vers...

over the river and through the woods....

Last week the boys and I took a road trip to Ohio to spend some time with my family!  And on our way we made a stop in Pittsburgh to spend some time with a sweet friend.  I'm so happy to report that the boys did very well on the trip.  I hesitate to say that it was easy....but I can definitely say it's the smoothest trip that we've had.  It's so great to see glimpses of the benefits that come with having older children ....  things like the ability to hold their bladder, actually enjoying the privilege of watching a movie in the car, the ability to hold their sticker books and apply stickers all at the same time, finally having long enough arms to reach the cup holder in the center of the back seat, and most importantly understanding that the wonderfulness of being at grandma and grandpa's house is SO worth those 9 hours in the car!! :)  Thanks mom and dad for a wonderful time together.  Here are the highlights...   Fun at the Children's Mu...
It is so difficult for our minds to understand God's ways.  Our humanness causes doubts and fears to creep into our thoughts and ask, "why God?".  Why does He allow hardships and trials to come to those who love Him and seek Him with all their hearts?  I read a passage this morning that brings such comfort as we, and those we love, experience adversity. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord.  "For as high as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." I am so grateful for a God who sees the big picture.  Who allows us to suffer only to draw us closer to Himself.  Who will never give us more than we can handle.  Who offers us a perfect love when we walk through a trial that seems unexplainable.  I believe it is His desire that we find peace in trusting in His faithfulness, whatever the cir...