There are few things that fill my heart with more joy than seeing my children happy. The kind of little boy happy where they can't help but smile and giggle. For Chase, this kind of happy comes alot easier than it does for Jack. Chase loves to throw his hands up, head back, and have a good chuckle. But Jack is my serious one. So cautious and thoughtful and sometimes hesitant to act......well, to act like a 4 year old :) However, there is one place where he cannot help himself. Where the excitement is nearly too much for him to handle. And that place is the Delaware State Fair. He has been waiting for the fair to begin again since it ended last year. But it's not the thrill of the rides, the fun of the games, or the delicious food. It's the farm equipment. An entire area full of equipment on display where he is free to climb up the ladders...pull on the levers....turn the steering wheels.... and pretend. And pretend he did. On Friday night he climbed up the ladder of one of the big combines and yelled down, "throw me my keys daddy!" :) At which point he was gone into his own world where he was the combine operator preparing to harvest his field of corn. Dream. come. true.
A wonderful weekend full of concerts (a huge thank you Grandpa & Grandma and Uncle Brent & Julie for watching the boys for us), yummy state fair food, and time spent with friends.
This is the kind of happy I'm talking about :) |
Hard to believe that's my baby sitting there... |
on top of the combine with daddy |
love! |
fun times with friends!! |
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