Five years ago today my life changed forever when we welcomed Jack Charles into this world. At that very moment everything changed. In that instant it was no longer about me...but it was about that child that God had given me. A miracle....plopped right into my arms for me to love and nurture and ultimately, give back to Him. What a journey the last five years have been. Mothering Jack has brought me to my knees and has given me a realization that apart from God's strength, this would be a nearly impossible job. :) His strong will never ceases to amaze me. Can't he just give in once in awhile?! His passion for working and diligence in everything that he does seems to be a unique trait for a boy of his age. His ability to hear something once...remember it....and then use it in the proper context weeks's a mystery to me. What a joy....what a privilege to be a witness to his life. There is a special bond between a mommy and her first born child. A bond that symbolizes a love that is impossible to comprehend until it is experienced. I feel blessed beyond measure. So today I celebrate my Jack....all that he is and all that he will become...... I'm buckled in tight.....I have a feeling it's going to be quite a ride :) Happy Birthday Jack Charles!!

Happy Birthday little man! WE LOVE YOU! Can't wait for this weekend!