Gracious! It seems as though the entire month of February has passed by without a single post. How did that happen? I can't be sure....other than to say, things have been just a bit crazy. But that's life I suppose. As I stated in my last post I decided to "get out of the boat" and say yes to a new responsibility .....and it turns out that getting out of the boat consumed what little free time I had left in my days. I jumped in and may have went a little deeper than I had originally anticipated. But good news...I feel like I'm coming up for air! Things are leveling out, becoming less new and overwhelming, and I think we've reached a plateau....for now :) To add to the mix we were hit with a double case of pneumonia. Both boys. Down for about a week and a half. Talk about family bonding. Antibiotics, steroids, and two sets of breathing treatments every four hours will really bring a family close together! But I'm happy to report that we are back to good health and normalcy this week. So here's new to a new month. We are it starting it off with a bang....a weekend full of fun things with friends, followed by Dr. Seuss week at school, a few birthday celebrations for my baby (can i still call him my baby when he is turning 3?!), taking us into a weekend of full of wedding festivities for some dear friends. And away we go!
So excited for his Valentines Day Party at school |
Jack had to miss his party while he was sick, but still wrote his name on all 24 Valentine's cards! |
This is what he looked like for several days straight. and if you know Jack, you know this is not good :) |
Love my Life Group buddies! |
one of our many creations
i have become quite a Lincoln Log builder since it was the one calm activity that kept Jack happy while he was sick |
Happy Friday!
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