June recap

And there went the month of June! Although I must say I am thrilled that time is passing by so quickly as I am quite ready to meet this little guy that is expanding my tummy by the day :) A few words for the month of June.....the end of T-ball.....gardening....hot....late nights....gardening.....hot.....late nights.....lots of swimming......lots of gardening.....wonderful get-togethers with great friends and family......and oh yes.....hot. (all the momma's out there who have been pregnant through the summer know exactly what I'm talking about :) ) here's the bump....for all of you who have been asking to see :) last T-ball game of the season. so pleased with how much Jack learned!! Movie night in the park! Swimming lessons Making progress - Jack is the first jumper, Chase is the second I love how they can pretty much accomplish this task by themselves!! eating fresh veggies ...