June recap

And there went the month of June!  Although I must say I am thrilled that time is passing by so quickly as I am quite ready to meet this little guy that is expanding my tummy by the day :)  A few words for the month of June.....the end of T-ball.....gardening....hot....late nights....gardening.....hot.....late nights.....lots of swimming......lots of gardening.....wonderful get-togethers with great friends and family......and oh yes.....hot.  (all the momma's out there who have been pregnant through the summer know exactly what I'm talking about :) )    

here's the bump....for all of you who have been asking to see :)  

last T-ball game of the season.  so pleased with how much Jack learned!!

Movie night in the park!  

Swimming lessons

Making progress - Jack is the first jumper, Chase is the second

I love how they can pretty much accomplish this task by themselves!!

 eating fresh veggies from his garden
lots and lots of these

and lots of all of these.....we are thrilled with our gardening success...it has been so much fun for  Jack to make deliveries to our friends and family.

first day out on the  boat!

So that's the latest and greatest.  We are loving our summer so far and looking forward to lots more fun in July before we send Jack off to Kindergarten in August.  It's been an unusually wet year for farming and we are praying things can dry off a bit so that we can catch up and get back on schedule with the harvesting and planting.  and when I say we I mean my hubby and the rest of the hardworking men in the family :)  Happy July!!
