Thought I'd better get one last update in before little one's arrival on Monday. :) There's been so much going on. Here are some highlights.... Jack was named student of the month!! I am so proud of my boy. At my parent teacher conference his teacher said he is an excellent role model for their class, always tries his best, and uses his manners. Praying we stay on that path! Our awesome group of friends from life group threw us a surprise shower and stocked us up on diapers and wipes. What a blessing!! Chase's Halloween costume came in the mail a few weeks ago and I'm pretty sure he has worn it everyday since! This boy LOVES football. He loves to watch the games while wearing his uniform and pretending he is on the field. It is entertaining to say the least. Chase's class took a field trip to the Fire Station. They learned stop, drop, and roll, got to explore the trucks, along with a bunch of other neat things....
Showing posts from October, 2013
Just a little over two weeks!!!! I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I just have one question. Why oh why is it ninety degrees in October? Of all the years.....typically I would be thrilled for the extra weeks of summertime weather. Not. This. Year. I couldn't be more happy to say that I became an auntie again on Thursday afternoon! My brother and sister in law welcomed their second baby girl into this world and she is absolutely perfect. Nothing like seeing her sweet face to remind me how worth it this path of pregnancy really is. Congrats Josh and Meredith.....what a beautiful family you have! Next week at this time we will have a six year old in our family! And on his birthday his class is taking their first field trip so he's pretty pumped up about that. Hard to believe how fast my boy is growing up. The wonderful part....he knows just how I like my coffee and has made it his job...