Thought I'd better get one last update in before little one's arrival on Monday. :) There's been so much going on. Here are some highlights....
Jack was named student of the month!! I am so proud of my boy. At my parent teacher conference his teacher said he is an excellent role model for their class, always tries his best, and uses his manners. Praying we stay on that path!
Our awesome group of friends from life group threw us a surprise shower and stocked us up on diapers and wipes. What a blessing!!
Chase's Halloween costume came in the mail a few weeks ago and I'm pretty sure he has worn it everyday since! This boy LOVES football. He loves to watch the games while wearing his uniform and pretending he is on the field. It is entertaining to say the least.

Chase's class took a field trip to the Fire Station. They learned stop, drop, and roll, got to explore the trucks, along with a bunch of other neat things.
Jack turned 6! We had a great night of pizza, presents, and cake :) Chase insisted on party hats. And we are so excited that Jack will share a birthday with a new cousin! Yep, that's right. One week after welcoming my brother's newest arrival, Chad's sister gave birth to a baby girl! Two new nieces, in two weeks!! love it.

Jack had Columbus Day and the following day off from school and got to go to work with Daddy.

And this is how happy that made him. On his second day off, he was at the farm by 7:45 and I didn't see him back at home until 6:30. That is his dream day. An entire day of farm work with Dad. His work ethic is abnormally amazing for a 6 year old :)

Chase's class had another field trip to an apple orchard complete with apple picking, pumpkin painting, a corn maze and hay ride. Field trips with 3 and 4 year olds never lack for entertainment :)
And that brings us to today. We are soon leaving to attend our first awards assembly at Jack's school. I love seeing him in school, around his peers. It's so neat to watch him interact in that setting. Grandma gets in from Ohio tonight. Soccer game tomorrow morning. Church Sunday. Last minute baby prep. Get everyone's bags packed. And then it's time. See you soon little one. We cannot wait to see your sweet face.
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