
Showing posts from August, 2014

summer in the rearview

Fall is around the corner!  I know this for several is opening Saturday for college football, soccer practice is in full swing, and the hum of combines can be heard in the air.  What a great time of year....definitely a favorite of mine. Chad and I had a wonderful weekend at the beach to celebrate our anniversary.  We cannot thank mom and dad enough for staying with the boys and giving us a much needed break!  Thanks Gramps and Grandma!!  You're the best!! Soccer is underway.  It's a little crazy with the boys on separate teams with different practice schedules.  But they are loving it.  Getting ready for opening day next Saturday!! What a wonderful treat from Gramps.  He got a swing for Luke to add to our playset and it's wonderful!  He loves to swing like his big brothers! :)   I'm so fortunate to have these repairmen around to keep this place in top shape :) And these days th...

10 years strong

Happy Anniversary to my hubby!  Ten years of marriage filled with much joy and many blessings.  Three of which are right here..... Literally.  They are right here.....with me.....asking, "mommy, what are you doing?  why aren't you getting us our snacks?"  :)  Because of these three little blessings I do not have nearly enough time to share with my blog readers all of the things I love about you.....all of the ways you make me so proud to be your wife.  So here's the long and the short of it......I loved you with all my heart 10 years ago on this day.......I love you even more today.......10 years down.......and looking forward to the many to come.  And now, a blast from the past..... Let us not focus on that fact that we look like babies, or that digital photography had not yet caught on (yikes!).  Instead, let us focus on how we have grown up and matured :)  Here's to us honey!  Looking forward to our weekend away! ...

Why is that there?

You know you are the mother of boys when this is what you find in your dining room.....  A super cool, super sticky ninja man that is made for sticking to glass.  Why he is on my dining room ceiling?...... I'm still trying to get an answer to that. Chase is loving that Jack is back in school.  Finally, no one to tell him what to do, how to play, or tease him when he wants to do this.....  Chase's Extermination Service ...keeping the Willin home and it's immediate surroundings free of creepy crawly things.  Even so, around 3pm each day he starts asking when Jack's bus will get here.  Because let's be honest, mommy is no substitute when it comes to pretending to be nascar racers on your thing they actually enjoy doing together :) Jack finished up a successful first week of first grade.  He loves his teacher, seems excited to be with friends again....and loves studying math (clearly not something he inherited from his ...

first day!

As Jack was getting on the school bus this morning, my thoughts went something like this....... "Wait!!!.....don't go!!!!.....all those times over the last several weeks that I said I was so ready for school to start....well I take it back......I cannot possibly have a first grader.....he cannot possibly survive all day everyday without me....maybe I should home, that would definitely not work for us.....Ok, I'm alright....and look at him all confident and ready.....I'm so proud of him....there goes my baby.....He's Yours Lord....protect him please." And off he went.  I'm so thankful for a wonderful school where I know he is safe and so well cared for.  We met his new teacher and looked around his classroom last night at open house.  He was very excited to see his new text books. :) We are so excited for all the growing and learning that this school year is sure to hold.  Happy first day of First Grade buddy!!  You're going to soar...

so different

I really do not understand how two boys....from the same parents....can be so different.  Not just slight differences, but opposite in most every way.  Chase loves desserts....Jack doesn't really care for them.....Chase loves to shop and pick out his clothes....Jack could not care less.....Jack would spend every day at the farm if he could....Chase likes it for about an hour......Jack thrashes and sweats up a storm in his sleep and refuses to wear pajamas....Chase doesn't move, loves his pajamas, and covers up under all the bedding.....Jack loves to swim....Chase prefers to sit on the side and watch....Chase has a tender heart....Jack has more of a "tell it like it is" type of heart, that is tender way in it's depths....Chase loves to go out to eat.....Jack would much rather have mommy fix him something at home.....Chase likes watching any type of sporting event on television.....Jack likes watching Mighty Machines and How Things Work.  :)  and last night a perfec...