so different
I really do not understand how two boys....from the same parents....can be so different. Not just slight differences, but opposite in most every way. Chase loves desserts....Jack doesn't really care for them.....Chase loves to shop and pick out his clothes....Jack could not care less.....Jack would spend every day at the farm if he could....Chase likes it for about an hour......Jack thrashes and sweats up a storm in his sleep and refuses to wear pajamas....Chase doesn't move, loves his pajamas, and covers up under all the bedding.....Jack loves to swim....Chase prefers to sit on the side and watch....Chase has a tender heart....Jack has more of a "tell it like it is" type of heart, that is tender way in it's depths....Chase loves to go out to eat.....Jack would much rather have mommy fix him something at home.....Chase likes watching any type of sporting event on television.....Jack likes watching Mighty Machines and How Things Work. :) and last night a perfect example....Chase set up his bases, his T, got his helmet and bat and was playing an entire game of baseball all by himself....while Jack was busy cleaning out wheelbarrows, buckets, and tools from his garden....when I asked him if he wanted to play with Chase his response was, "nope, I've just got too much work to do." (sigh)
So naturally as their mama I pray daily that despite their differences, they will learn to accept each other just as they are. And not just accept, but learn to appreciate the things that make them different. I realize this all comes with time and maturity. But I just yearn to see them find some common ground. Something that joins them together besides their last name.....and their love for wrestling....which I've slowly come to realize is impossible to avoid if you have more than one boy. So I'll keep watching and waiting. Oh my third born......where will you fit into this spectrum. I just can't wait to see.
In other happenings....
So naturally as their mama I pray daily that despite their differences, they will learn to accept each other just as they are. And not just accept, but learn to appreciate the things that make them different. I realize this all comes with time and maturity. But I just yearn to see them find some common ground. Something that joins them together besides their last name.....and their love for wrestling....which I've slowly come to realize is impossible to avoid if you have more than one boy. So I'll keep watching and waiting. Oh my third born......where will you fit into this spectrum. I just can't wait to see.
In other happenings....
Dinner, the new 3D Planes movie, and ice cream with some great friends
Beach fun with some other good friends!
an attempt to rescue a grasshopper that they had just run over :)
lots and lots of juicy red tomatoes
and a spur of the moment play date spent with a bestie from college and her two sweet little men
One week from today, our routine will start to change again as school swings back into session for Jack. Chase will soon follow and then Luke and I will just be sitting around wondering what to do with ourselves! Ha! don't I wish!! :) Happy Tuesday!!
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