Oh Luke. Our dear third born. What will you do next? Let's just say I find it a small miracle that our tree is still standing, that he has not yet knocked any teeth out or broken any limbs, and that my nerves are not completely shot. He certainly is giving us a run for our money....but I guess he will keep us young............or make us age really fast. Either way.....an adventure for sure. I now warn people who watch him that he will try to climb, jump off of, eat, or stick his fingers in, pretty much anything he can get ahold of. Needless to say, this week in nursery he ate a wadded up ball of stickers and got his head stuck in a chair. awesome :)
We are so proud of this guy. Student of the month for December! He continues to be an excellent student and loves his school and everything that goes with it. To celebrate, he had a special night with just mom and dad, complete with an ice cream sundae. Great job buddy!!
Yes, someone is definitely in the Christmas spirit. He insists on wearing his hat at all times. Which I love :)
I'm slowly learning that boys will be boys.....regardless of how much mommy says, "I really don't think it's a good idea to play tackle football in full gear in the backyard!" My hubby reminds me.....they are boys....this is what they love. Pray for me please. :)
Playing tackle football in full gear? I'd say that's much safer than what their daddy when he was a boy! We (under Chad's direction of course) played tackle football with no gear in the back yard. And tackle "football" of sorts on rollerblades in our basement on the concrete floor. :)