If my 1 year old could speak in sentences....
Everyone is asking mommy how I'm doing now that my brothers are back in school. I think I'm doing ok.
I'm not exactly sure what's happening when that big yellow school bus takes them away in the morning. But I sure do love to yell "Bye-bye" and wave for all I'm worth. I even make the bus driver smile and wave. Things sure are different with them not around. But the good things are that mommy can read me all my favorite books without any interruptions, I can arrange the train track any way I want to, and I can play with all of my brother's race cars without him telling me no.
I've also been getting lots of good snuggle time with mommy. She seems to need alot more of that now that my brothers aren't here as much :) I tend to forget that the school bus took them away by about 11:00 or so. I start asking mommy where they are and look all over the house for them. Then mommy reminds me that they are at school and in awhile the school bus will bring them back home. I know that after my nap the time is near. The best part of the day. and it's good mommy got me some new running shoes. Because when she says, "here comes the school bus!" I run as fast as my tiny little legs can carry me....into the arms of my two best buddies.
and all is right in my world.
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