
Showing posts from 2016

Christmas happennings

This is how you know for sure....without a doubt.....that your family is not into Star Wars.  Jack came home from school yesterday with an ornament from a gift exchange.  He said, with all sincerity and seriousness, that he got a bird dressed up like a Native American Indian and then pulled this out of his book bag.....  Haha!!!  and if it had not said "Star  Wars" on the box, I might have agreed with him!  Thanks to the kind soul who gave Jack this ornament for trying to help educate us in pop culture :) We loved having Gramps and Grandma here for the boy's school program and for an early Christmas celebration with lots of food and presents :)      They even got to join us on Chase's Polar Express field trip! pancakes are his favorite :) And today I wish the very happiest of birthdays to my wonderful dad!  The best Gramps we could ever ask for.  We love you Dad!!

it's Christmastime!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  The house is decorated, the cookies are baked, we are singing carols, reading Christmas stories, learning lines for programs, wrapping presents, and Chase has started wearing his Santa hat.  all is right with the world :)  it just never gets old, this time of year.  I spoke to the kids at church on Wednesday night about the most wonderful gift they will ever receive.  The absolute most greatest thing they have ever been given.  God's one and only Son.  given, expecting nothing in return.  His Son and the promise of eternal life with Him.  all we need to do is trust, believe, and obey.  It's a gift that is beyond comprehension and every Christmas season my heart fills with such gratitude and humbleness to have received such a gift. Thank you Lord for giving us your Son.   Chase is losing teeth like it's his job. So much so, that Luke is sure that his are also going to just start falling out. such a wonderful Tha
And time just keeps rolling on.   I'm not quite sure how these two turned 9 and 3, but it happened.   thankfully they are good little buddies and seem to enjoying sharing a birthday party.  Makes things a lot easier for mommy.  and to give you a better appreciation for this cake, keeping in mind that Jack and Luke love everything farming.... amazing.  simply amazing.  I have no idea how she does it.  You rock grandma. :) it was a great day of celebrating my oldest and youngest now he finally has a big boy bike and feels just like his big brothers Last weekend the boys had a full day of soccer.  the morning with their rec teams and the afternoon with their player development team, which we love.   such a wonderful experience with this crew and this one is our sideline entertainment.  it's the only way to travel when you have a long walk in between fields :) and this is just because.  Because he's my middle one.  a complet

fall is my favorite

Local friends.  Go here.  It will be good for your soul.   And even better for your taste buds :). we had a great time on our visit with Chase's class.  A beautiful fall day to enjoy all the wonderful things of the season.  And also, my boy is growing up too fast.   loved our day together.  
Birthdays, field trips, soccer, fall parties and corn.  That's what's filling up our October calendar.  October is a big birthday month in our family and extended family.  Two of my boys and two of my nieces.  So that in and of itself, makes October a pretty fabulous month.  Five field trips on the to an apple orchard, one to a farm, and 3 to various fire departments.  The boys are getting in lots of great soccer time....that is when the fields are not resembling small bodies of water.  Rain. Please go away.  We would love not to still be harvesting corn in November.  My hardworking hubby and the rest of the Willin Farms men are working like crazy to beat the possible hurricane heading our way.  Pray that it turns.  Pray that it goes far, far away from Delaware.  A challenging farming year for sure.  It's in these times that patience is tested and faith is stretched.  It's my hope and prayer that we can rest in the peace that God gives.  the peace that pass
We are in week two of school for the older two boys and week one of preschool for the little guy.  And I'm happy to report a fairly smooth beginning for all.  Starting at a new school is challenging and scary, exciting and exhausting.  I am so proud of the way Jack and Chase have adapted.  They put on their bravest of faces on the first day and went for it.  Now with just a little over a week under their belts, they both know their routines, they are making friends, and they've decided it's no use to argue with mom about wearing a belt.  As I remind them, "i don't make the school rules!"  :)  So onward we go into 3rd and 1st grade.  I really am excited for what this year has in store. And then there is this guy.   As ready for preschool as he could be.  pray for his teachers.  he is such a handful.  He brings me so much happiness and so much frustration all at the same time.  haha!  but that's just mommy hood with toddlers I suppose.  Great

getting ready

well....this house should be well protected.  #somanyshoes #schoolandsoccerarearoundthecorner #wekeepunderarmourinbusiness #myfirsttimehashtagging #thisfeelsweird #alldonehashtagging Luke now refuses to remove his new shoes....which is so completely adorable when he is running around in his bright orange pj's.  We are in full "getting ready for school" mode.  Brushing up on reading and math. working on learning money and time.  supply shopping is around the corner.   and every morning I am praying.  I am praying for my boys and the changes that are coming as they start a new school with new friends and a whole new way of doing things.  I know they are up for the challenge.  and I believe with all my heart this change is God's perfect plan for this school year.  I pray for peace...probably more for me than for them :)  I pray that they will feel confident and brave as they walk through those doors in a few weeks.  Thank you Lord that you are th
we are cruising through summer and enjoying every moment.....except maybe for a few of those days where temperatures were so insanely hot that this momma had a hard time thinking straight. Ha!  I'm trying to block those days out.  It's the humidity.  here in the mid-atlantic the humidity is crazy.  Like walking into a solid wall of moisture day in and day out.  which has made for some pretty wild hair days. let's see June 8. that was my last post.  wowzers.  much has happened.  here it is in a very brief nutshell..... school ended....yay!....we now have a third grader, a first grader, and a ready to start preschooler..... that should be fun.  baseball ended.....or so we thought.  Jack was selected to the all star team.....yay! .....which has meant a tournament every weekend in July.  yikes.  but we have survived and are wrapping up baseball season for real this time with the last tournament this weekend.  Vacation Bible School.....a hit as always.....swimming lessons....lo