getting ready
well....this house should be well protected.
Luke now refuses to remove his new shoes....which is so completely adorable when he is running around in his bright orange pj's.
We are in full "getting ready for school" mode. Brushing up on reading and math. working on learning money and time. supply shopping is around the corner. and every morning I am praying. I am praying for my boys and the changes that are coming as they start a new school with new friends and a whole new way of doing things. I know they are up for the challenge. and I believe with all my heart this change is God's perfect plan for this school year. I pray for peace...probably more for me than for them :) I pray that they will feel confident and brave as they walk through those doors in a few weeks. Thank you Lord that you are the one leading them.
Here's to the last two and a half weeks of summer vacation!!
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