making me smile
a quick update that brings a smile to my face. Each child so what they how they do things. Each capturing my heart in their very own special way.
Wing night! this boy can eat some wings
work day at church. Jack is my old soul. He loves working with grown ups and accomplishing a task. He is so proud of how his hard work helped make the church look so beautiful.
garden 2016 is underway. in all of his glory......working his land :)
teeth continue to fall out
as much as Jack loves his garden, that's how much this guy loves being on the baseball field.
still my little baker.....and cookie monster....oh the anticipation!
so proud of Chase and the special artist award he received at school
and then Luke....
he was "helping" in the garden. He so badly wants to be big like his brothers.
I love watching him in action.
He also has gone from laying under the piano when I practice, to preferring to be front and center in my lap......anytime I'm playing. a little tricky for practicing but thrills my heart that he enjoys music!
picnic in the wonderful spring weather! trying to soak up these moments with my littlest guy :)
and with that my time is up. nap time is over. fastest 40 minutes ever :) little man is charged and ready for the rest of his day. Here we go....
happy Tuesday!
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