slow down summer!
How is June already behind us?! so much happening and the weeks just seem to fly by. As I'm organizing my calendar for this month and next it looks like we may be able to slow down a bit. We're looking forward to wrapping up baseball, visits from family, state fair fun, and many more pool days!
Jack's all star team wrapped up their season last weekend and came in as runner up in the District 3 tournament.
Jack's all star team wrapped up their season last weekend and came in as runner up in the District 3 tournament.
Words cannot express how proud I am of #15. He was the youngest player on the team and one of only 2 players who doesn't play on a year round travel team. He was challenged and stretched as he was put in a new position and learned how to support his team even when he wasn't on the field. It broke my heart at times to see him struggle. But once he overcame the struggle and embraced the challenge, my heart was so full of pride as I watched him give 100 percent in every single game. And he did phenomenal. proving to himself that he was on that team for a reason. A learning experience for all of us. valuable life lessons learned. and a job very well done by my first born.
also, he wrote me this birthday note. Which is just the greatest....
Chase has 2 more All Star tournaments and it is something to behold to watch this kid on the field. He is all in. enjoying every moment. spitting on his batting gloves. shooting for the fences. all in. it's priceless.
and this guy is just along for the ride. what a trooper on these weekends full of baseball.
also, he has learned how to swim. and currently has a very deep love for his goggles!
also, he had another dentist appointment. If you follow my blog you will recall the disastrous first visit. Amazing what 6 months and the promise of a giant chocolate covered donut will do. He did great!
and the garden...loaves of zucchini bread, canning pickles, and freezing green beans are what's happening in my kitchen right now.
Happy July!
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