The one we didn't know we needed...
Today my baby turns 4. my littlest one who makes every day an adventure. There are many times when I look at him and am overwhelmed by God's amazing greatness. If there is ever a moment when I doubt God's power or his ability to do the impossible....I just look at Luke Vernon....and there it is. A living, breathing gift of God's goodness and grace. And also a very clear reminder of how desperately I need him to guide me in raising this little spark plug. He knows no stranger....which can make for some pretty awkward moments in public places....he loves to make people laugh....which makes for some pretty interesting moments in school.....he loves to be just like his brothers....which makes for some really entertaining moments as he attempts just to keep up....he is so sincere and just beginning to grasp what it really means to love Jesus and how much Jesus loves him. He is learning to pray and understanding how to bring his concerns to God. What a joy to watch it come together in his mind. Earlier this week I was struggling to get through a migraine and by the end of the day, sitting at football practice, I just needed to hold my head in my hands for a moment. As soon as he saw it, he came running over, put his little hand on my shoulder, squeezed his little eyes shut, and proclaimed...(right there among all the other weary parents...remember he knows no strangers :) )...."Dear Jesus! please help mommy's head get better!! AMEN!" and then ran back off to play like nothing had just happened. And that is my Luke in a nutshell. I cannot wait to see what God is going to do with his life. I'm just so glad I've got a front row seat to watch it happen. Happy birthday my sweet boy!!
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