Family addition
there's been an addition to family.
meet Buckeye.
he's adorable. the perfect Christmas present for three little boys. however, he's a puppy. he chews, he pees everywhere, he chews, he bites, and chews, and pees get the picture. Who thought this was a good idea?! haha! after a few rough first days and a sincere desire to return him, I'm trying to remember what I told myself with my babies. It's only a stage. Here's hoping the puppy stage passes quickly and as painlessly as possible! and let's be honest, just one look at that sweet face and usually all of the days antics and accidents are forgiven. Oh Buckeye.
The holidays have come and gone. so quickly like they always do. The boys went back to school yesterday and now are off again today because of this crazy blizzard on the east coast. Yikes! I'm ready for spring!! I'm pretty sure I say that every single year on the week after New Year's. The holidays pass and I'm done with the cold, I'm done with the snow, I'm ready for the pool. Yes, I realize the wait will be long. So for now I will sit here by my fireplace pretending it's the sun's heat I am feeling :)
Saying hi to Santa!
bowling alley Christmas party with second grade
Christmas came a few days early for these guys
love this crew so much
be still my heart. so proud of this kiddo
a new shiny fire truck from Grandma and Gramps
more Christmas fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house!
everyone loves a spot next to Mimi and the fire :)
stop. growing. up.
waffles on my new waffle iron!! thanks Mom!
best buddies
who knew that "make your own bouncy balls" was actually a thing? one of Chase's fun presents.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
My hope for this year is to love my family give them the absolute best version of grow closer to the God who is the only one who can give me the strength and grace to do that....and to daily be thankful for this very blessed life I have been given.
Happy 2018!
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