
As we wrapped up the All Star season for Chase this past weekend, my heart is so full of gratitude for the coaches and families who gave so much of their heart and time to our team.  We had a team full of great talent for sure....but more importantly it was a team full of love and support from family, friends and coaches.  Each weekend we got to go watch some great baseball and develop some great relationships.  For Chase, he was not only taught the game of baseball, but also the importance of focus, good sportsmanship, the joy of playing a sport you love with your friends, and how your attitude effects everything you do.  I love sports.  I love the things our kids can learn when coached in the right way.  A huge thank you to my hubby and 3 other wonderful coaches who did a tremendous job this season.  I truly believe your impact will last a lifetime in those kids.  Way to go Seaford!!
Runner up in the last tournament!

my boy had quite a weekend in the field on defense....
and at the plate on offense....rounding third for an in the park homer 

proud mom.
even made the paper!

usually covered in dirt and sweat by the end of a day at the ballpark

and believe it or not, we have been doing some other things besides 
playing and watching baseball :)

freezing some delicious sweet corn from the garden

finally got Buckeye to the pond for some swimming fun

And one of our summer highlights...the State Fair!

oh Luke!  we cannot pass a police officer without stopping him, introducing ourselves, staring at him in awe, and then of course taking a picture....while wearing the officer's hat.  This guy was such a great sport and made Luke's night.  by far his favorite part of the fair :) 

how different each of our children are.....Jack's heart is for farming....Chase's heart is for sports....and Luke's heart is for law enforcement. 😂 At this current stage of life it really is that clear cut.  They could not be more different and I remind myself to count that as a blessing.  All uniquely made by a perfect creator....that I pray will all impact this world greatly for His glory, all in their own special way.  love them. 

