Kids are so perceptive. In these young years they are like sponges. Learning meanings of new words and concepts just through listening to grown ups speak. Yikes. Filing away how to respond to situations just by watching how their parents react to things on a daily basis. double yikes. But what has really gotten me lately is how my boys watch my face. Not only my words. Not only my reactions. But the look I have on my face....they read it like a book. "Mom, you have your worried face on...what's wrong?" "Mom, are you upset? you have that look on your face." "Mom, did we do something wrong?" whoa. they notice. They will even comment about our puppy....."oh Buckeye has his sad face on..." Their comments about facial expressions have been going on for awhile now and then yesterday morning I read this in my morning devotions...
When I pass the reflective surface of a microwave or window, I’m often floored by the expression staring back at me. I’m not angry … or sad … or even displeased. I’m just preoccupied. So preoccupied that I’m unaware of what my face is doing. No one can ignore your face.
The face is the window into the mind; we read others’ expressions to discern what they’re feeling. For example, a slack jaw and glazed-over eyes shout fatigue, boredom, disinterest. How many times have our kids received this unspoken message when they’re detailing a blow-by-blow of the inchworm crossing the patio?
Body language often speaks louder than words — especially a mom’s. Which is why we must let God’s light be what we reflect, as today’s key verse reminds us: “Let the light of your face shine on us” (Psalm 4:6b).
We will make parenting mistakes, as there’s no getting around that. It’s part of the human package. But if we take every possible opportunity to communicate unconditional love to our kids — and use words — they’ll be better able to embrace God’s love, too. “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8, NIV).
Well, if that wasn't timely.
Lord help me reflect your light and let my face reflect the peace and joy that your grace will always provide.
last O's game of the season.
one of the most loyal fans you will find :)
And these two...if there was ever a picture to capture how alike they are, it's this one. Dressed in their work gear, boots, and hats, helping Dad in the field, hoping one day to be just like him.
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