Be Encouraged
These are definitely concerning times we are living in. It seems like everyday I read or hear about something that makes me shake my head and say, "What in the world is going on?!" Things from politics, to COVID, to the extreme confusion of what Christianity is truly about, to the continuous stream of news stories filled with hatred and narcissism. Within the Christian community you hear it more and more...."we are living in the end times"....and maybe we are. No one really knows. But I read something today that met me exactly where I am with all of this....written for all of the Jesus followers out there.... You're sad that things are as broken as they are, so you work to be an agent of change in God's gracious and powerful hands, but you're not anxious...You know that this world is not stuck and that it hasn't been abandoned by God. You know that God is working his eternal plan. He is moving things toward their final conclusion. In the m...