
Showing posts from January, 2021

Be Encouraged

These are definitely concerning times we are living in.  It seems like everyday I read or hear about something that makes me shake my head and say, "What in the world is going on?!"  Things from politics, to COVID, to the extreme confusion of what Christianity is truly about, to the continuous stream of news stories filled with hatred and narcissism.  Within the Christian community you hear it more and more...."we are living in the end times"....and maybe we are.  No one really knows.  But I read something today that met me exactly where I am with all of this....written for all of the Jesus followers out there.... You're sad that things are as broken as they are, so you work to be an agent of change in God's gracious and powerful hands, but you're not anxious...You know that this world is not stuck and that it hasn't been abandoned by God.  You know that God is working his eternal plan.  He is moving things toward their final conclusion.  In the m...

A Really Big Fan

 I am so thankful that our small private school has been able to maintain a fairly normal schedule since going back in the fall.  The staff and administrators are doing a fantastic job to keep things running safe and smooth.  And when even a possible COVID exposure occurs in a class, they send that grade home for a brief quarantine.  Which is where Luke currently finds himself.  He got to ride to school in his pj's this morning and say "see ya later!!" as his brothers hopped out of the car.  So we've been homeschooling this morning, which honestly, I sort of love.  Anytime I can soak up a few hours of one on one with any of my kiddos is a win in my book.  Back in the spring when everything shut down, I was looking for something to supplement Luke's at home Bible classes.  To my surprise, I rediscovered Superbook! on Prime video... a show that I used to watch when I was a kid.  Thankfully, it's an updated and revised version.  But wo...

Beginning again

Of all the times to take a break from blogging, I'm thinking 2020 wasn't the time to do so.  In the past, this blog has served as a journal of sorts, for me.  Something to read back through for little snippets of what was going on in my life and in my soul at those specific moments in time.  Two thousand and twenty was definitely a year unlike any other.  One that we will talk about and look back on for a long time. The crazy running out of toilet paper...not leaving the house for weeks at a time...running out of cleaning supplies...not attending church for months.  The overwhelming homeschooling without any time to prepare...the rapid spread of an unknown virus....wondering if life will ever return to normal.  And the irreplaceable having my faith stretched and strengthened unlike ever being so grateful for health and grateful for a safe home and outside space that make sheltering in ...