A Really Big Fan
I am so thankful that our small private school has been able to maintain a fairly normal schedule since going back in the fall. The staff and administrators are doing a fantastic job to keep things running safe and smooth. And when even a possible COVID exposure occurs in a class, they send that grade home for a brief quarantine. Which is where Luke currently finds himself. He got to ride to school in his pj's this morning and say "see ya later!!" as his brothers hopped out of the car. So we've been homeschooling this morning, which honestly, I sort of love. Anytime I can soak up a few hours of one on one with any of my kiddos is a win in my book. Back in the spring when everything shut down, I was looking for something to supplement Luke's at home Bible classes. To my surprise, I rediscovered Superbook! on Prime video... a show that I used to watch when I was a kid. Thankfully, it's an updated and revised version. But wow!....the truths of the Bible are just as accurate as ever, and the storytelling make its stories come alive. Needless to say, it's been quite a hit with Luke....and I highly recommend it for all the mamas out there who want to help get their young kids excited about the Bible. He watched the first season last spring. And on days like today when he is doing school at home, it's an added bonus for him to choose an episode to watch. I was in the kitchen fixing lunch, and he was in the family room pulling up Superbook. As he started scrolling through the episodes he yells, "hey mama, I'm looking for one that has Jesus in it. I'm a really. big. fan. of Jesus." oh my heart. "Me too!" I said back, "he's the best." And since that moment I've just been smiling. Smiling at the sweet and innocent love that my 7 year old has for his Savior. He loves to watch Jesus work miracles and tell stories.....his heart is so broken as he watches him die on the cross...and then so full when he watches him rise out of that tomb. (there was also that time he told me that when he becomes a dad he is going to name his boy Jesus....hmmm....that's another story for another day) But once again, the faith of a child has convicted me and encouraged me. It is the desire of my heart that it will be something others can see as they watch me live my life.....that the world can see, without a doubt, that I am a really. big. fan. of Jesus.
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