I truly believe that one of the greatest gifts we are given when we choose to live for Jesus is the peace that His Spirit brings....peace that passes all understanding...peace that makes the unbeliever look at the Christian and wonder where in the world that kind of peace could possibly come from...peace that sometimes is the only thing that gets us through a tough day, month, year....thank you, Jesus, for the peace You bring. I heard a quote yesterday that said "peace is a person"...and I love that so much. It's not found in our successes, in our spouses, our kids, our's found in God alone and the supernatural contentment that His Son brings. When we believe in the promises God gives us...that He works all things for our good and His glory...we can rest in that. Of course in our humanness, fear will creep in and do its best to take our focus off of where it should be. But when we return our focus back on God, and invite His peace to meet us in our fears...that's the sweet spot. Resting in His peace, focusing on the hope we have in tomorrow...because at the end of the day, we know how the story ends...eternity, with our Savior.
This is one of my very favorite songs. I sing it so often in my head as I navigate through some hard places. Awhile back, Luke started having trouble sleeping at night. His young mind was overwhelmed with the fear of so many things that would pop into his head when he would try to go to sleep. I played this song for him and shared how much it helps me when I'm worried or afraid. For weeks after that, he would ask Alexa every night to play "Peace" as he was going to bed...what wonderful words to fall asleep to. Wishing you peace on your journey today!
Love this!! Peace only He can give!