
Fifteen years ago, early in the morning, I was breathing my way into the ER, determined that I was not actually in labor. I was scheduled for a c-section in just two days and I had already been in two days earlier with a false clearly that's what this was. But I had been breathing through contractions all night long, trying to get some relief...and it. was. not. happening. So hubby stepped in, and informed me it was time to go. Turns out, I was five centimeters dilated and on my way to giving birth. This little one was ready to make his entrance. After a quick call to my doctor, a shot to slow the contractions, and a good old epidural, they got me to the OR within an hour and we welcomed Chase Daniel into the world. My second born. It's amazing, the immediate bond that forms when a momma first looks into the eyes of her newborn. He was my baby who loved snuggles, naps, and mealtimes. He was my toddler who loved to le...