
Fifteen years ago, early in the morning, I was breathing my way into the ER, determined that I was not actually in labor.  I was scheduled for a c-section in just two days and I had already been in two days earlier with a false clearly that's what this was.  But I had been breathing through contractions all night long, trying to get some relief...and it. was. not. happening.  So hubby stepped in, and informed me it was time to go.  Turns out, I was five centimeters dilated and on my way to giving birth.  This little one was ready to make his entrance.  After a quick call to my doctor, a shot to slow the contractions, and a good old epidural, they got me to the OR within an hour and we welcomed Chase Daniel into the world. 

My second born.  It's amazing, the immediate bond that forms when a momma first looks into the eyes of her newborn.  He was my baby who loved snuggles, naps, and mealtimes.  He was my toddler who loved to learn new things, loved story time before bed, and wanted to do everything his big brother did.  He was my little boy who became such a great big brother to the baby of the family, who developed a deep love for anything sports related, games, and puzzles, who took his school work very seriously, and who was always by my side in the kitchen.  He was my adolescent boy who developed a heart for Jesus and reading God's Word, who wanted to learn all he could about grilling, baking, and cooking, who continued to excel in school, and who began to find his own path.  And now he is my young man who cooks me a hot breakfast nearly every morning, who finds so much joy in making meals for the people he loves, who has shown just how strong he is as he has faced some hard things, who has no idea how much potential he has or the amazing things he will do with the gifts God has given him, and who fills his momma's heart with such pride and admiration.  Fifteen years.  While I cannot believe it has been that long, I know it's just the very beginning of his story. 

 God, I pray he keeps his eyes on you...and in doing so, that you would mold him and make him into the man I see you creating him to be.  Thank you for his life. Thank you for the privilege of being his mom.  

Happy birthday, Chase!!
