
Still Splashing

With my return to the blog I started thinking about the title…Splash in the Rain Puddles.   When I first started blogging 14 years ago, I was a young momma of a 1 and 3 year old, with only a hope that God had one more baby in our future.   I wanted my little boys to splash…literally and figuratively.   I wanted them to splash….whether that was actually splashing in rain puddles…or building blanket forts… or covering the entire driveway in sidewalk chalk…or cannonballing off the diving board….or riding in the tractor with daddy, just dreaming of the day they could drive on their own.   But I also wanted them to splash…like when they took a deep breath and put on their bravest faces when they walked into kindergarten for the first time….or when they changed schools and had to make new friends and learn new routines…or when they needed to stand on their own as their circles of friends expanded and not everyone believed what they believed…and when they said yes to Jesus ...

A New Year

Several years have can that be?  And here I am again....back at the keyboard, hoping to pick back up with blogging.  Life comes in phases and's part of the beauty of it....never staying in the same phase for too long....but I must admit, I feel like this phase is so fleeting.  We are now raising two high schoolers and a pre-teen. The older two are finding their path...starting to feel the responsibility of making some big choices and decisions...and the youngest one is beginning the journey of adolescence.  Some days I feel like the youthful innocence is gone...all of our boys are old enough to fully understand the brokenness of our world...the reality of what a life without Jesus can look like....the sting of being hurt...the realization that one day they will be the leaders of their own homes.  But, I still get to see moments of innocence....and when those moments come around, I purposefully soak them in.  We got a big snow here ...


It's Thanksgiving Day.   My most favorite holiday.  I believe with all my heart that when we practice gratitude....when we feel it deeply and sincerely...for everything God has given us...the good, the bad, the times when we feel like everything is falling apart and the times when we feel ecstatic about the good things that are  happening...when at the end of the day we feel a deep and sincere brings a peace that has no explanation other than the goodness of our God.  There are times in life that need to be documented....written down in order to process and grasp the reality of a situation.  I actually have this handwritten from several months ago, but wanted to put it up on the blog to give it a bit of permanence to come back to.  Obviously, it's been a minute since my last post.  I wrapped up last year's school year in a whirlwind with lots of volunteer hours as 8th grade class coordinator and a sweet conclusion to my oldest's mi...
It's Christmastime!  Decorations have been put up...cookies have been baked....presents have been bought...and presents have been wrapped....we've watched Christmas movies....sung Christmas carols....watched Christmas programs....and wore Christmas sweaters.  And yet at the end of the day, those things are not what fill my heart with the joy of the season.  As much as I love this season, it is hard to not get frustrated with what the world has turned it into.  My kids will testify to the fact that during the month of December I tend to climb up on a soapbox.  I climb up there and continue to remind them....this is not about us!!  it's not about how many presents we have under the tree, it's not about making sure we buy our kids every last thing they have put on their Christmas lists, it's not about how many lights we put on our houses, or how perfectly we decorate our trees.  What it IS about, is Jesus...understanding how he came, why he came...and rea...