
When I think about my mom, a few words come immediately to mind.  Loving. Kind. Patient. Faithful. But one of the most accurate...Strong.  When you look at all 4 feet 11inches of her, it might not be the first thing that comes to mind.  But spend any time with her, know her story, witness the way she lives her life, and very quickly you will see the strength. Strength in the sense of never wavering in her faith in the midst of multiple life altering tragedies.  Strength in the sense of being a calm and steady presence in our family as we were buckled in for all of the twists and turns life took us on.  Strength in the sense of allowing and encouraging me to travel at a very young age, to far away places to gain life experiences that have shaped who I am. Strength in the sense of aging with such determination and perseverance, as this chapter in her life has some parts she never would have chosen.  Strength in the sense of being a shoulder to lean on...for her family, for her friends, for people she meets who are hurting.  You are so strong, Mom.  You are running your race with a faithfulness that is such a beautiful picture of what it looks like to live like Jesus.  I am blessed to be your daughter.  Many miles separate us...and that's hard sometimes.  But I am so thankful for the times we have together....and looking forward to all that is yet to come.  Happy Birthday, Mom.   


  1. So well written … so well deserved. Happy birthday Gloria!

  2. I am speechless and feel so undeserving of such a special tribute! I’m proud to be your mom.


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