
Showing posts from August, 2012

in pictures.

I just love this picture.  If anyone knows how to enjoy a big chocolate cupcake with gooey chocolate frosting, it is my dear Chase.  He spotted these at the church picnic and said "have that mommy!".  So have it he did.  And slowly but surely he ate every last bit of it, occasionally saying "tasty!"  Celebrating 8 years together with a rare evening out with my hubby. Another soccer practice for this guy.  Amazing to see how much he has improved just in a week! Now this.  This is a picture of what was left of a Popsicle that Chase ate after dinner last night.  For the life of me I could not find the other half of that stick.  So I asked Chase what he did with it.  He looked at me with those sparkly blue eyes and sneaky grin and said, "me ate it."  And given the way this child can eat it wouldn't have surprised me if he had!!  :)  An hour or so later I did find the remaining half of the stick stuck to his ...
Eight years ago today.  Eight years ago my dad walked me down the aisle and gave me away.  He gave me away to the man I would spend the next eight years falling even more in love with.  He gave me away to a man who truly loves me just as I am....he understands me without needing an explanation ....he knows what frustrates me and what gives me the giggles....he has never stopped telling me I am beautiful, even through two pregnancies when I felt everything but that....he is my steady calm through the ups and downs of life.....and there is not a person in this world I would rather be sharing my life with.  Eight years.  And to think, this is still the beginning!  There is so much more ahead.  So much more love to be shared.  So many more memories to be made.  I am blessed beyond measure and thank God daily for my wonderful husband.  Happy Anniversary honey! Just engaged :)  Best. Day. Ever.

Family and Soccer

Since my last post we made another trip back home to Ohio.  And yet again I was so pleased with how well the boys did on the trip.  Sure they had their moments, but overall I really cannot complain.  Of course it certainly helped that we had daddy with us this time.  Yey!!!  Nothing like 9 hours in the car to bring the family closer together. :) We shared a wonderful weekend with 4 generations of my Slabach family.  What a blessing it is to come from so many generations of believers.  It was a great time of games, campfires, and fellowship.  A first for Jack this week:  soccer practice!!  It's his first experience playing an organized sport and he did great!  He seems to be quite excited about it.  As we were driving home from practice he was talking non-stop about all that they had done and as he was getting carried away with his little 4 year old self he says, "and Mommy, I kicked the ball up so high in the a...

in the words of Peter....

I read the most wonderful verses this morning.  1 Peter 1:3-8 speaks of the living hope we have through the resurrection of Christ and how he offers us "an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you."  I love the adjectives....incorruptible and undefiled.  To what else in this life can those words apply?  In our fallen world it seems at times that nothing is safe from corruption.....nothing safe from being defiled.  In another translation this inheritance of heaven is described as "pure...beyond the reach of change and decay."  Our human minds cannot possibly comprehend something as perfect as the purity of our Maker and all that he has in store for those who love him.  A place and a love that nothing can harm, nothing can defile... that will never change.  A great promise of God.  Peter was writing these words to the early Christians who faced so much persecution...
Remember when there was a time that I took my camera everywhere and never failed to capture all of life's fun and memorable moments?  Remember when I told myself I won't be that mom who gets too busy to take pictures?  Remember the times when I could actually remember more than one thing at a time?   Hmmm.....I remember those times.  But those times are not now :)  Now I'm lucky if we can get out the door with everyone having a pair of shoes on that may or may not be on the correct foot, and getting a pair of flip flops on myself that may or may not be the same color.  Or when we go away for the weekend and I  can manage to remember to pack 2 pillow pets, 2 blankets, 1 Mickey Mouse (and his blanket), 1 bunny, 1 set of binoculars, and 2 battery operated trains.  These are now the essentials for our travels.  All this to say, we just spent a wonderful weekend on the river with the Willin clan and I do not have a single picture to show...