in the words of Peter....
I read the most wonderful verses this morning. 1 Peter 1:3-8 speaks of the living hope we have through the resurrection of Christ and how he offers us "an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you." I love the adjectives....incorruptible and undefiled. To what else in this life can those words apply? In our fallen world it seems at times that nothing is safe from corruption.....nothing safe from being defiled. In another translation this inheritance of heaven is described as "pure...beyond the reach of change and decay." Our human minds cannot possibly comprehend something as perfect as the purity of our Maker and all that he has in store for those who love him. A place and a love that nothing can harm, nothing can defile... that will never change. A great promise of God. Peter was writing these words to the early Christians who faced so much persecution. As I pondered that persecution I was presented with quite a challenge as Peter goes on to say in verse 8, " You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him you are happy with a glorious inexpressible joy." Two more adjectives I love. Glorious and inexpressible. Even in the midst of severe persecution. This is the joy we should strive for. This is the joy that Christ desires our hearts to find.
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