Family and Soccer

Since my last post we made another trip back home to Ohio.  And yet again I was so pleased with how well the boys did on the trip.  Sure they had their moments, but overall I really cannot complain.  Of course it certainly helped that we had daddy with us this time.  Yey!!!  Nothing like 9 hours in the car to bring the family closer together. :) We shared a wonderful weekend with 4 generations of my Slabach family.  What a blessing it is to come from so many generations of believers.  It was a great time of games, campfires, and fellowship. 

A first for Jack this week:  soccer practice!!  It's his first experience playing an organized sport and he did great!  He seems to be quite excited about it.  As we were driving home from practice he was talking non-stop about all that they had done and as he was getting carried away with his little 4 year old self he says, "and Mommy, I kicked the ball up so high in the air it went all the way into the clouds....Jesus threw it back down to me."  (short pause)  "Jesus has hands doesn't he?".......  Wow, it must have been one amazing practice!  :)
Nothing like musical chairs at a family reunion :)

The boys enjoying the campfire

This is what we look like after a busy weekend in Ohio


Just to make you smile today! 
 Happy Friday!


  1. Thanks so much for making the trip back for the reunion. It was good to have you here even though we didn't have as much one-on-one time as I would have liked. It was worth the time around the campfire with the boys. I know how much Jack enjoyed that & I think Chase did as well.


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